ESP Australia
- Australia
- Case law in Australia
- ESP Australia
- Venturous Australia
- Australian consultation responses 2009
From ESP's other websites:
ESP Australia is part of the End Software Patents campaign. It was launched in late 2009 by Ben Sturmfels and was the first country-specific ESP group.
ESP Australia has been focussed on the proposal for new patent legislation in Australia. Having missed the government's consultation on the matter in 2009, Ben Sturmfels organised a petition against software patents - first online, then an official petition with signatures on paper. This was accepted by the government and lead them to organise a hearing on the issue in January 2012 where Sturmfels explained the reasons for abolishing software patents.
The campaign and the legislative proposal are ongoing.
Sturmfels has also given presentations about this issue at large software conferences.
External links
- ESP's australia-public-discuss mailing list
- ESP news about Australia from